Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Art 172, Systems and Structures

 ART 172, Fall 2021

Vacuformed Snow-Globes Project

Class Show: Tinkering with Tools of Mass-Production

Samuel Crookston-Herschlag

Jennifer Cannon

Suhayla Hassan

Tyler Stannard

Jamie Ducato

Jennifer Cannon

Exhibition Installation View

Exhibition Installation View

Soovin Choi

Poster for Class Show, designed by Soovin Choi.

Art 172, Spring 2012

"Body Extension" project, 2012. 

Amanda Brannon reads a prepared statement about her piece, "World Hunger."

Evan Zappel

 Art 172, Spring 2011

Sara Gevurtz, Diatom x100.
Laser-cut acrylic, transparencies, hardware

Cody McCabe, Topographical Form.
Laser-cut acrylic, acrylic solvent

Cody McCabe, Topographical Form II
Laser-cut acrylic, acrylic solvent

Athena Chow, Typehaus.
Laser-cut birch plywood, epoxy glue, polyurethane, hinges, lamp parts.

Athena Chow, Typehaus, detail.

Wilson Chao, Armor.
Italian Poplar plywood curved by bent-lamination process, laser-cut plywood, paint, steel.Lauren Dubay, Immodicus Facis, (Latin for "excessive packet.")
Food items, some of which have been removed from their natural packaging (eg. peanut shells,) have been custom-packaged in clear vacuformed plastic blister-packs that take on the shape of the food item.Lauren Dubay, Immodicus Facis, detail.

Robert Hart, The Annihilator.
Baltic Birch plywood, laser-cut and stack-laminated. With heavy-metal guitar references, copious canons, and piranha teeth.Robert Hart, The Annihilator detail shot.Marek Kapolka. Spam Mailbox.
Junk-mail formed by lamination over a mold, and stuffed with more junk mail.

Kevin Luck, Days of Open Hand.
Baltic birch plywood (some is bent-laminated,) leather, copper rivets, laser-engraved mahogany veneer.

Kevin Luck, Days of Open Hand, detail.

Art 172, 2007/ 2008

Jonathan Yao
Burial suit made of Starbucks coffee sleeves
Nic Janes
Duct-tape duck (all duct tape...)

Mike Lowell
Hand-sewn quilt made from new burger wrappers.

Mike LowellVacuformed plastic "value meal"

Mike Lowell
Vacuformed plastic "value meal"

Ed Dean
Vacuformed polystyrene Prozac capsules
Ed Dean
Vacuformed polystyrene Prozac capsules
John Gallano
Donkey Kong made of crayons
John Gallano
Donkey Kong made of crayons
Jenny Tsai
Internet hubs interactive toy
(First version of the piece was made in Systems and Structures class-- rebuilt for BFA show.)
Jenny Tsai
Internet hubs interactive toy
Jenny Tsai
Internet hubs interactive toy

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